Dear Mr. Meyer-Usteri:
A friend has shared his photo tour of Switzerland with us for posting on Because he and his wife took many of their photos of the covered
bridges through the window of a railroad coach, the identity of [some of] those bridges is in
We would be grateful to you if you would view the article "Touring Switzerland with the
Keatings," and name the bridges for us.
Yours in
bridging, Joe Nelson
Commentary on Touring Switzerland with the
by Konrad Meyer-Usteri, Switzerland.
Dieboldswibrücke S-06-17. Photo by
Konrad Meyer-Usteri |
Horbenbrücke S-06-16. Photo by Konrad
Meyer-Usteri |
Schüpbachbrücke S-06-09. Photo by
Konrad Meyer-Usteri |
Brunnmattbrücke [no number]. Photo by
Konrad Meyer-Usteri |
Dear Joe: I worked through the Keating's report about their "Touring in Switzerland". It is
amazing what they all have visited in only two weeks. Especially I am surprised about the hike
deep in the Emmental, where they have also seen many milk-cows for the Emmental cheese and of
course could "touch" excellent examples of Swiss covered bridges.
Out from the train in the Simmental some CB's are mixed up and it is not easy to put the
photo and the right name together. I hope . . . you can open and make use of [my attachment]
with some of my photos.
On the way up to Zermatt Mrs. Keating got a rare glimpse of the Hohsteg-Bridge,
not in the World Guide, through an avalanch-gallery 2 miles north of Zermatt in the
direction of Täsch-Visp. In 1985 this C.B. was rebuilt for pedestrians (Wanderweg) with
two glued-laminated girders.
On the way back to Interlaken the 1st photo shows S-
06-27, the Rüdlebrügg the 2nd photo S-06-28 the humpback called
Schützenbrücke, both in the community/ location of Reichenbach on the
river Kander.
Two very nice photos show in Eggiwil the Dörflibrücke across the
Roethenbach, with nr. S-06-62 built in 1985 in completely new technique instead of the old
bridge of 1885.
S-06-17, Eggiwil, Emme, Dieboldswilbrücke, built in 1887, reinforced by two
arches in 1979.
S-06-14 Signau/Schüpbach, Emme, Bubeneibrücke, 165' long, built in
our 2nd and last example of new wooden bridge in new technique but in the historic form with
roof; it did cost us just 55% more than the same bridge in concrete. The next, new wooden
bridges have new forms.
S-06-16 Eggiwil Emme Horbenbrücke posted for 32t = 70,000lbs, 147' 1834,
but reinforced 1990, the inside shows the skillful timberwork.
The Keatings missed two well preserved bridges, of which I give pictures below, the last one
is in very bad shape, and a new wooden bridge will be built, as soon the court "puts the lights on
S-06-09 Signau Emme Schüpbachbrücke, posted 28t= 62,000lb, 175'
built 1839 and several times reinforced, it will keep the full load of today for many years (old
Photo Below
Not yet in the World Guide: We moved the old Bubeneibrücke built in 1838 2 miles
down the Emme and rebuilt it in 1991. It has 1 span, long 132'; still used for pedestrians and
It is called now Brunnmattbrücke on the Emme in the communities Signau and
Yours in bridging, Konrad